Pursuant to significant regulatory developments in the period between January and March 2024, as discussed in our previous clean energy quarterly update (Issue 1 of 2024), Issue 2 tracks and analyzes key regulatory developments between the months of April and June 2024, including in respect of the approved/revised list of manufacturers and models (related to solar photovoltaic modules and wind turbine models, respectively), rooftop solar projects, the optimal utilization of power generating stations, the National Green Hydrogen Mission, the determination of fees and charges to be collected by regional load dispatch centers, deviation settlement, EV charging infrastructure, quality control standards for electrical equipment, biomass utilization, the electricity grid code, and renewable energy tariff determination.
In addition, Issue 2 of 2024 tracks and discusses key regulatory developments across states, such as those with respect to open access (including green energy open access), consumer rights, resource adequacy, renewable purchase obligations, peer-to-peer energy transactions, and battery energy storage systems.