clean energy

Clean Energy: Issue 3 of 2024

Issue 3 of 2024 of our Quarterly Roundup Series on Clean Energy covers the period between July and September 2024 and tracks key regulatory developments at both central and state levels in solar and wind generation, green hydrogen/ ammonia production, EVs, tariffs, connectivity and other miscellaneous updates.

Real Estate Regulation Act

RERA: Issue 1 of 2024

This Quarterly Roundup relates to cases arising from Real Estate Regulation Act, 2016 (“Act/RERA”) for the period between July and September 2024. Issue 1 sets out a compilation of selected judgements, orders and circulars for the covered period, highlighting recent legal developments influenced by the continuous changes in the real estate sector. These decisions reflect the perspective of the Real Estate Regulatory Authorities, essential for the interpretation of the Act and shaping the legal framework. This compilation of judgments and orders serves as an essential guide to understanding the implications of RERA’s evolving framework.

Clean Energy: Issue 2 of 2024

Pursuant to significant regulatory developments in the period between January and March 2024, as discussed in our previous clean energy quarterly update (Issue 1 of 2024), Issue 2 tracks and analyzes key regulatory developments between the months of April and June 2024, including in respect of the approved/revised list of manufacturers and models (related to solar photovoltaic modules and wind turbine models, respectively), rooftop solar projects, the optimal utilization of power generating stations, the National Green Hydrogen Mission, the determination of fees and charges to be collected by regional load dispatch centers, deviation settlement, EV charging infrastructure, quality control standards for electrical equipment, biomass utilization, the electricity grid code, and renewable energy tariff determination.

In addition, Issue 2 of 2024 tracks and discusses key regulatory developments across states, such as those with respect to open access (including green energy open access), consumer rights, resource adequacy, renewable purchase obligations, peer-to-peer energy transactions, and battery energy storage systems. 

Clean Energy

Clean Energy: Issue 1 of 2024

Issue 1 of 2024 of S&R’s Quarterly Roundup Series on Clean Energy covers the period between January and March 2024. The covered period witnessed several transformational developments, such as those in respect of the Electricity Rules, 2005 involving the delicensing of transmission lines and capping of open access charges; a renewed focus on distributed/decentralized solar energy; requirements related to the approved list of manufactures and models in connection with solar photovoltaic modules; green hydrogen policies at the state level (e.g., Uttar Pradesh); and incentive schemes and guidelines for pilot projects across key sectors (like shipping, steel and transport) related to the production and supply of green hydrogen and green ammonia, along with detailed scheme guidelines for the manufacture of electrolyzers, the setting up of hydrogen hubs, as well as on research and development and skilling.

Clean Energy

Clean Energy: Issue 4 of 2023

S&R Associates presents the fourth issue of its quarterly roundup series on clean energy, covering the months of November and December 2023.
Issue No. 4 comprises regulatory updates on renewable energy and electric vehicles, respectively, including central and state government notifications in this regard, along with India-related updates and international developments from within the reviewed period.
In addition, Issue No. 4 contains a note on the investment viability of innovative and/or clean construction technologies, as published in a Knowledge Brief of the Asia Pacific Real Estate Association (APREA).

Clean energy

Clean Energy: Issue 3 of 2023

S&R Associates presents the third issue of its quarterly roundup series on clean energy. Here, we cover updates from the period between the months of July and October of 2023.
This issue comprises regulatory updates on renewable energy and electric vehicles, respectively, including central and state government notifications in this regard, along with India-related updates and international developments.
In addition, we provide an overview of carbon credits, including in respect of its market dynamics.

Clean Energy: Issue 2 of 2023

Clean Energy: Issue 2 of 2023

S&R Associates presents the second issue of its quarterly roundup series on clean energy. Here, we cover the period between the months of April and June, 2023.
Broadly, this issue comprises regulatory updates on renewable energy and electric vehicles, respectively, including central and state government notifications in this regard, India-related updates and international developments, as well as other miscellaneous items.
In addition, separate analyses with respect to the newly introduced carbon credit trading framework in India provide an overview of the country’s proposed carbon market. Lastly, we discuss the advisability of green hydrogen certification in India.

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy: Issue 1 of 2023

India appears to be on the right track with respect to its ambitious goals and determined pivot towards renewable energy. Indeed, the country has positioned itself as one of the most attractive destinations for renewable energy projects in the world.
In light of such developments, we at S&R Associates are happy to present a quarterly roundup (January to March 2023) on renewable energy, including regulatory updates and legal insights on some key issues.