Mergers and Acquisitions
Restructuring and Insolvency
For a list of select transactions, please contact the individual lawyer
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad (B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), 2015)
Maharashtra & Goa, India (2015)
M&A in the Ports Sector in India: Key Regulatory and Contractual Considerations
The Indian ports sector is witnessing increased private sector participation, particularly by way of Public-Private Partnerships (“PPP”). The government has facilitated private sector participation by adopting investor friendly PPP models and streamlining tender processes and concession agreements for major ports. Due to multiple regulatory authorities and differing practices of port authorities, mergers and acquisitions in the ports sector in India are associated with unique considerations that potential acquirers should bear in mind. This note discusses the key regulatory and contractual considerations relevant to mergers and acquisitions in the ports sector in India.